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David Stephen Zelenok, P.E., M.ASCE
Edward W. Stafford, P.E. PTOE, F.ASCE
George Wentz, P.E., BSCE, M.ASCE
This techsession will only award PDHs for completion.
Purpose and Background
Learn how Civil Engineers in are developing internal talent – including Offices of Innovation - solely dedicated to fostering new methodologies and advanced technologies in the pursuit of innovation – often in partnership with innovation leaders in the private sector. Using multiple examples see how a dedicated Office of Innovation can serve your organization
The presentation will be delivered in three parts:
PART 1 will cover "HOW-TO" elements – covering the basics so you can Create a “Culture of Innovation”, including:
- The Four key attributes for successful Public Works innovation programs:
- Quantifying Solutions with defined problems and solutions
- The value of not re-inventing innovative solutions
- Implementation-how far you should go - but only to the "brink of execution"
- How crucial Collaboration, Adoption and Partnering are to Sustaining your Innovation program
PART 2 will detail a case study in which the City of Centennial Colorado (pop 100,000) created the nation’s first municipal Innovation Team focusing on emerging transportation and smart cities technologies. The presentation will highlight:
- Successes and "successful failures"
- Seven major areas of innovation now in operation in public agencies
- How to create programs which approach "the bring of execution" and
- Highlight specific opportunities for future innovation
PART 3 will provide a glimpse of the future, cutting edge and emerging technologies for civil engineers
Benefits and Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe how these challenges often times discourage us from seeking new innovations and opportunities that are offering others long term solutions which are sustainable, measurable and imperative, while (most importantly) establishing a sustainable "Culture of Innovation" in your organization.
- Integrate and become a chief advocate for the use of cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art leadership at every level in your agency - and astonish your community with the results
- Plan how to create your own future - understand what your civil engineering, public service delivery systems and technologies will look like and position your agency for the impact of emerging technologies on the urban fabric - and our profession.
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are assessed by responding to the post-session survey. If the course is taken On-Demand, there will also be a 10-question multiple choice post-test.
Who Should Attend?
- Civil engineers
- Students
How to Earn your PDHs
This course is worth 1 PDH. To receive your certificate of completion, you will need to watch the recording(s) and complete the post-session survey. If the course is taken On-demand, there will also be a 10-question multiple choice post-test.