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Sponsored by ASCE's Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Highway Pavements Committee, Roadway Council and ASCE Continuing Education.
INSTRUCTOR: David K. Hein, P.Eng
Purpose and Background
This webinar outlines the history and use of waste and by-product materials used in the construction of pavements. This includes a wide range of products such as lignosulphates, cement and lime materials for the stabilization of subgrades, crushed glass, recycled concrete and asphalt, bailed tires, recycled plastics, shredded tires, construction demolition waste and lightweight aggregates for base and subbase and recycled concrete and asphalt, glass, steel and blast furnace slags, waste shingles, engine oil, asbestos and ground rubber for pavement surface materials. The potential benefits and dis-benefits of the use of each material are outlined.
Primary Topics of Discussion
- History and use of waste and by-product material used in pavement construction
- Types of materials and products
- Potential benefits
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the types of waste and by-product materials that have been used in the construction of roadway pavements
- Describe the potential benefits and cautionary action that may be required when using waste and by-product materials
- Identify important issues and inspection and testing tasks to maximize the successful use of wastes and by-products
Webinar Benefits
- Understand the desirable features of wastes and by-products used in road construction
- Know where we can use wastes and by-products in road construction
- Discuss what we need to do to make wastes and by-products work for us
- Gain an understanding of examples of water and by-product use and lessons learned
- Learn how to make the best use of wastes and by-products
- Understand how products are used and what the right reasons are for using them
Intended Audience
- Engineers and technicians involved in roadway design, construction and maintenance
- State DOT and municipal agency personnel involved in the delivery of transportation infrastructure
- Manufacturers and other producers of waste and by-products for roadway use applications
- Members of road construction trade organizations
- Contractors interested in advancing roadway construction technology
Webinar Outline
- History of how U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and other agencies around the world have permitted the use of wastes and other by-products use in roadway construction
- Discussion of wastes and by-products
- Examples of waste and by-product use
- History of their performance for a variety of roadway applications
- Advantages and disadvantages of the use of each type of product
- Guidance for successful the design and construction of each