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Purpose and Background
Many urban sites are already intensely developed or have a relatively small footprint that does not allow for the use of many of the available stormwater BMPs in a design manual. Some sites will require the use of underground stormwater treatment systems to meet both water quantity and quality goals and these systems may even require 2 or 3 BMPs in series to achieve the objective. While these approaches are not practical on sites with room to work, they may be the only option on highly developed and or high value real estate sites. This webinar presents a few of the ways that these challenges can be resolved, referencing variations on design from stormwater manuals from across the U.S. and also guidance from proprietary products. It presents a design example of a high value, vertical structure, along with a discussion of the variances that are required to obtain permits.
Primary Discussion Topics
- Appropriate use of underground stormwater BMPs
- Variations for permitting environments across the U.S.
- Comparison to other BMPs
- Cost benefit for highly developed sites
- Design examples
Learning Outcomes
- Explore the basic principles of underground BMP design
- Be aware of how site constraints limit your options
- Discuss permitting variations and requirements
- Recognize how to use BMPs in series to achieve quantity and quality objectives
Benefits for Participants
- Improve your ability to resolve stormwater treatment challenges for highly developed sites
- Enhance your design options for challenging sites with limited space
- Appreciate the potential O&M challenges
- Understand how to permit your design
- Determine the appropriateness of your site for underground BMP options
- Gain insight and ideas from example designs
Webinar Outline
- Introduction to underground BMPs
- Design variations and configurations
- Proprietary vs constructed
- Site requirements
- Varying agency criteria across the U.S.
- Planning/desktop phase of design
- Site constraints that limit or promote underground BMPs
- Treatment chains to achieve quantity and quality requirements
- Example designs
- O&M challenges
Intended Audience
- Consulting engineers
- Water resources planners
- Landscape architects
- Engineers in training who have a basic understanding of engineering design, bid-document preparation and construction practices
- Students of engineering, geology and environmental disciplines