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Instructor: Chad Ballard, P.E., CFM, ENV, SP
Course Length: 1 Hour
Workshop Brief
With a new generation of 2D model solvers, increasing applications of these models are growing quickly. Modeling solvers are continually envolving and have become more numerically stable, include additional features and often have graphical interfaces associated with them to decrease the length of the pre/post processing and management of large amounts of data. With the increase in LiDAR availability and increases in computing power 2D hydraulic models can add great value to a project.
The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is fully in support of 2D modeling, utilizing the SHR-2D modeling engine developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). This webinar covers background on 1D vs 2D modeling, 2D modeling assumptions and fundamentals, an introduction to the SRH-2D model and of its features along with modeling examples.
While technology is ever increasing it is up to the skill and knowledge of the user to determine if the technology is used correctly. Having the understanding to apply assumptions is what makes a model solver a truly powerful tool. The information provided is designed as a starting point to ground in the basics of 2D modeling with SRH-2D. An understanding of 1D modeling is not required for the webinar but it is helpful.
Learning Outcomes and Webinar Benefits
The objective of this course would be to introduce the participants to 2D modeling basics and the with SRH-2D model.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify 2D modeling fundamentals.
- Advantages over 1D hydraulic modeling.
- Introduction to the SRH-2D solver and modeling features.
- Recognize application of SRH-2D.H
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Students' achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed via a short post-assessment (true-false, multiple choice and fill in the blank questions).
Intended Audience
- Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineers
- Transportation Engineers
Webinar Outline
- 1D vs 2D Hydraulic Modeling
- 2D Assumptions and Limitations
- Introduction to SRH-2D
- Modeling with SRH-2D
- Modeling Workflow
- Modeling Application and Examples
How to Earn your CEUs/PDHs and Receive Your Certificate of Completion
To receive your certificate of completion, you will need to complete a short on-line post-test and receive a passing score of 70% or higher within 1 year of purchasing the course.
How do I convert CEUs to PDHs?
1.0 CEU = 10 PDHs [Example: 0.1 CEU = 1 PDH]