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Contributors to Speed and Considerations for Speed Management (7172IW2019)
Live Webinar | Online | 2019/04/24
Individual (one engineer) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM ET
Member $99.00 | Non-Member $159.00
Member $99.00 | Non-Member $159.00
Live Webinar
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Sponsored by ASCE Continuing Education and the Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI).
Sponsored by ASCE Continuing Education and the Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI).
INSTRUCTOR: Kevin Chang, Ph.D., P.E.
Purpose and Background
This webinar assists any professional who is interested in learning about speed management and how engineering, educational, and enforcement tools can collectively be used to provide a travel environment where the shared safety needs of the motoring and non-motoring public can be addressed. This webinar discusses how appropriate speed thresholds for a candidate roadway can be established and provide information about the importance of public outreach and how securing community support and understanding can be a critical component to overall project success.
Primary Discussion Topics
- Background (historical information, mobility vs. safety)
- Infrastructure and driver factors
- The Es (engineering, enforcement, education, emergency services, and evaluation)
- Conclusions and next steps
Learning Outcomes
- Describe how travel speeds affect the operational impacts of a roadway
- Identify the factors that contribute to driver speeds
- Identify the five Es that can be used for speed management purposes
- Describe how public outreach and community support are critical pieces to project success
Webinar Benefits
- Develop a thorough understanding of speeding and speed management practices
- Know when and why to consider a speed management treatment
- Identify specific keys to successful project implementation
- Explain the benefits and trade-offs of speed management
Intended Audience
- Transportation professionals (engineers and planners) who work for consultants
- Cities, counties, and state agencies who wish to learn more about speed management practices
- Individuals who have some or limited knowledge or understanding in traffic operations and transportation engineering and planning techniques
Webinar Outline
- Title slide
- Presentation outline
- Historical information
- Mobility-safety tradeoff
- Roadway types
- Driver perspectives of speed limits
- Statistics / background information
- Uniform vehicle code
- Driver types
- Engineering practices
- Speed limit types
- Signage
- Traffic calming
- Enforcement
- Education / outreach
- Emergency services
- Evaluation
- Conclusions