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Sponsored by ASCE's Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) and ASCE Continuing Education.
INSTRUCTOR: Nazir Lalani, P.E., M.ASCE
View all webinars related to Nazir Lalani.
Purpose and Background
Each year, over 34,000 motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists die as the result of traffic collisions in the United States. Pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities represent about 15% of total traffic fatalities. During the past 10 years, the United States has averaged almost 5,000 pedestrian and bicycle fatalities per year or one every two hours. Pedestrian and bicycle safety continues to be a challenge to many communities, and therefore, improved pedestrian and bicycle safety has been among the top priorities. Pedestrian and bicycle safety assessment studies are one approach to improving pedestrian safety within these communities, because they enable local agencies to systematically identify the issues and problems and effective remedial options.
This webinar describes the pedestrian and bicycle safety assessment study process and provides guidelines for transportation professionals conducting such studies. While this webinar uses the experience gained in specific communities, the methods described are applicable to communities throughout the United States. Webinar participants should use both national and locally adopted standards, practices, or references as needed as well as those resources identified in this webinar.
Primary Topics of Discussion
- Programs, practices and policies
- Data, documents and prompt lists
- High incident locations
- Field audits
- Aerial photography and GIS
- Collision countermeasures
Learning Outcomes
- Accurately learn the five most critical steps in the process for conducting pedestrian and bicycle safety assessments
- Identify the 30-40 items of information needed to complete a comprehensive benchmarking process
- Correctly identify the five most important stakeholders needed to participate in productive assessments
Webinar Benefits
- Improved knowledge about how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety at specific locations and community-wide
- Create safe, comfortable, accessible, and welcoming environments for pedestrians and bicyclists
- Enhance walkability, livability, and economic vitality
- Reduce the number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths and injuries in traffic conditions along roads and shared-use paths and at intersections
Intended Audience
- Transportation engineers/planners
- Community leaders
- Government officials
Webinar Outline
- Identify documents and data needed for assessment studies
- Identify potential key stakeholders
- How to conduct the programs, practices, and policies review
- Identification of high incident locations or locations of special concern
- Performing field audits of high incident locations using check lists
- Conducting windshield, walking and nighttime audits using prompt lists
- How to conduct economic vitality walking audit
- Organizing target citizen group walking audits
- What's best about focus group interviews
- Use of Aerial Photography Audit and/or GIS-Based Audit
- Indemnification of suggested improvements
- Examples of schematic diagrams for possible intersection or street segment modifications
- Developing a matrix of applicable countermeasures
- Policy, programs, and practices benchmarking results
- Best resource lists for conducting assessment studies