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INSTRUCTOR: Nazir Lalani, P.E., M.ASCE
Sponsored by ASCE's Transportation & Development Institute and ASCE Continuing Education.
View all webinars related to Nazir Lalani.
This was an excellent seminar that introduced a number of innovative, real designs for improving intersection capacity. Well presented by an authoritative, knowledgeable presenter.
Purpose and Background
This webinar provides current information on how to use innovative designs to optimize traffic flow at intersections and interchanges. The webinar will study geometric design of intersections and interchanges that use unconventional geometric designs to increase the capacity of both existing and new intersections. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these designs will be presented. Designs such as continuous flow, parallel flow and other intersection designs that either eliminate or handle left-turn movements to reduce their impacts on intersection capacity will be presented. Single point urban interchanges, tight diamond interchanges, ramp crossover interchanges, as well as other types of grade separated intersections and interchanges will be studied in the webinar. A special focus area will be about what has been learned from recently constructed diverging diamond interchanges. Additional resources on each topic will be identified along with the web sites where simulations can be viewed.
Learning Outcomes
- Become familiar with at least ten ways to improve intersection capacity
- Identify at least six designs which are now being used to improve the capacity and safety of freeway interchanges
- Review ten of the most relevant papers and reports which provide detailed descriptions of innovative designs such as diverging diamond interchanges
Webinar Benefits
- Gain a better understanding of intersection and interchange design
- Learn about the impacts of various designs on traffic flow Gain access to additional resources and references
- Learn from examples illustrating good and bad designs
Intended Audience
This webinar will benefit transportation professionals (engineers and planners) who work for consulting firms, cities, counties, and state agencies involved in reviewing and designing access to development projects. This course is designed for individuals with experience and training in designing road and highway projects.
Webinar Outline
This webinar will cover intersections and interchanges for:
- Continuous flow
- Parallel flow
- Grade separated
- Left-turn median crossovers
- Pre-signal U-turns
- Forward and reverse jug handles
- Diverging diamond
- Single point urban
- Tight diamond
- Echelon
- Ramp Crossover Interchange (RCI)
- Bypass Bridge Interchange (BBI)
- Roundabouts at Interchanges